GLOH Education Online Dental Laser Certification, Training, and Courses

Implant Recovery and Uncovering Un-erupted Teeth Using Laser Technologies

Implant recovery and uncovering un-erupted teeth are procedures where lasers really shine. Yet, not knowing what laser to pick up is just unclear enough many users will skip using their laser. Knowing more about laser science helps you to use your laser with confidence - ensuring the best outcomes for your patients.

Understanding Laser Absorption by Titanium Implants

Titanium dental implants have different absorption rates for various laser types. Lasers that excel in coagulation are typically the best choice for these procedures - minimizing risks while maximizing efficiency.

Diode Lasers

Diode lasers operate in a hot tip mode, making them excellent coagulators. Since titanium implants do not absorb the laser energy well, the risk of damage is reduced. However, it’s essential to manage the potential for excessive heat when the laser tip contacts the implant. Yet, by working quickly and using light water spray, this risk is minimized.

CO2 Lasers

CO2 lasers are also outstanding coagulators with very low titanium implant absorption rates. This characteristic makes them ideal for minimizing collateral damage to the surrounding bone. Excessive heat around the implant surface is a critical concern. Managing heat is crucial and CO2 lasers help mitigate this risk effectively. Using a surgical stent to guide the laser in the correct axial plane of the implant is advisable. This technique is ideal for precision and safety.

Implant Recovery Techniques

Start your implant recovery with a punch. Then remove accessory tissue tabs with laser while controlling bleeding. Diode lasers can touch the healing cap without affecting the implant surface. Proper technique is the key to any laser dentistry procedure. A light water spray can be beneficial for both CO2 and diode lasers.

Uncovering Un-erupted Teeth

Lasers are also highly effective in uncovering un-erupted teeth. CO2 lasers have a strong affinity for hydroxyapatite. They're suitable for palatal uncovering where there's a low risk of affecting the facial surface of the affected tooth. Using the super-pulsed mode allows for controlled tissue removal.

For buccally impacted teeth, such as cuspids, diode lasers are preferable. When placing orthodontic brackets, clean and bloodless access is crucial. Diode lasers don't affect the enamel surface of un-erupted teeth when used properly. The main concern is avoiding excessive heat. Use proper techniques and using light water spray to see ideal results

About GLOH Education

GLOH Education is dedicated to advancing dental practices through innovative laser education. Dentists and hygienists get full training on the safe and effective use of lasers. Our goal is to ensure practitioners can offer the highest level of care to their patients. Join us to stay at the forefront dentistry with reliable techniques. Explore laser course options HERE.

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